Manurewa Central School

Kia ora, Malo e Lelei, Talofa Lava, Ni Hao, Namaste, Bula Vinaka, Fakaalofa Lahi Atu, Kia orana, Mauri, Greetings.

hope you enjoyed Matariki with whānau and were able to make the most of the long weekend weather.

By now you will have received your child's mid-term report. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your child's class teacher.

I would also like to extend a warm welcome to families who have joined our school during term 2.

This welcome extends to the recent appointment of new staff members.

Marie-Therese Blake joins our Learning Support teaching team in Puriri, Angeline Sina joins Rimu pod and Ashleigh Cole will be opening a New Entrant class in Totara at the beginning of term 3.

We say a fond farewell to Kiana Clark who begins study at the end of July.


On Thursday of last week our community had a great time preparing for and celebrating Matariki with a school hangi.

A special thank you to our organising team, parental support and for everyone's enthusiasm which made this such an engaging and memorable day.

It was good to see our Tamariki enjoying kai together and celebrating through the performance of our school haka and waiata.

Hui - New School Logo

Thank you to whānau for sharing their thoughts and opinions about the proposed school logo change.

We are now waiting the final design and will share this as soon as we receive it.

School Values

Our school values are what we, as a community, believe are important in creating a learning environment that allows children to grow and develop into caring, responsible, and successful individuals.

They provide the foundations for our local curriculum and are embedded in the 'way we do things' at Manurewa Central School.

Incorporating our values into the life of the school ensures we have happy, healthy, safe, and confident learners.

All children can be acknowledged for showing these values, and for demonstrating the dispositions in our learner profile.

Certificates are awarded throughout the term, during team and whole school assemblies, giving multiple opportunities to be recognised for achievement in displaying values through individual actions and choices.

Have a safe and enjoyable holiday break. We look forward to seeing you all again on Monday 22nd July.

Ngā mihi

Michelle Dibben

Pick Up and Drop Off Students

Please enter and leave school daily using the Admin carpark gate or Cenotaph gate.

Gates are closed at 9am and opened at the end of the day at 2.55pm.

Late students use the main office and are required to sign in as 'Late'.

New Entrant children must be collected from Totara pod at the end of the day.

Please do not use the office area unless you need to speak with office staff.

Thank you for your help with this.

Road Safety

Thank you for keeping our children safe by walking along the footpaths and crossing at the lights.

Keep it up.

Swimming at School

Swimming is part of our PE curriculum. It is expected that all children will swim.

Please ensure swimming gear is clearly named for every student.

A note from a parent/caregiver is required if your child is not swimming for any reason.

Ready for Learning

Parents, caregivers and whānau

Please help your child/ren to be at school by 8.30-8.45am every day.

This gives your child/ren time to talk with the teacher, see their friends and get organised for learning for their day.

All students are required to be 'ready for learning' by 9.00am every day.

Our learning programmes begin at this time.

Thank you for your help and support in ensuring a happy start to the school day for your child/ren every day.

Matariki Hangi

Ngā mihi nui for all of your support throughout our Matariki week celebrations.

We appreciate everyone taking time out of their day to come into classes and help prepare and serve hāngi to our tamariki.

It was lovely seeing families around the school.

Ka mau te wehi whānau!


This term our chess team has competed in two tournaments the South Auckland Primary School Chess Championship and the Papatoetoe Central School Chess Invitational.

In each of these tournaments our team has placed 2nd.

At the South Auckland Championship Toby won a prize for being the top board 1 player.

At the invitational Vivian received a prize for being the top girl player and Amin received a prize for being top board 4 player.

It is amazing to watch the skill and sportsmanship of these young players. We are looking forward to competing more in the next two terms.

Toys at School

Please DO NOT allow your child to bring toys to school.

We are not able to ensure they return to their rightful home or that they do not get broken.

Lollipops, Sweets, Fizzy drinks

Please DO NOT send lollies & lollipops to school.

We encourage healthy eating at school.

Please save treats for after school.

No fizzy drinks please.

We appreciate your help with these requests.

Lost Property
Please encourage your children to check for any lost property regularly.

There is a large amount of unnamed personal clothing and items outside the staffroom, just waiting to return home.


Social Worker in School
(Family Works)



Please ensure your contact details are up to date!

These can be updated by email to:
or at the school office during school hours.

For students starting school for the first time, please ensure before school checks are complete and any referrals followed up.

Please check we have a copy of your child's vaccination records and any important medical information.

Pasefika Healthcare Nurse: Anita Lea

Our nurse is available at school by appointment to advise and support you with any health concerns for your children.

She is available for hearing and vision checks and will throat swab for infection at your request.

Referrals can be made to see the nurse or for advice and support via application at the school office.

Friendly Reminders

All playgrounds are closed after school.

Gates are closed at 3.20pm.

Sunhats on Heads

Please ensure your child has a named sun hat or cap to be used for all activities outside the classroom.

Children without hats/caps will play in shaded areas.

Important Dates

  • Thursday 27 June
        - Matariki Hangi
  • Friday 28 June
        - Matariki Public Holiday - no school
  • Tuesday 2 July
        - School reports home
  • Friday 5 July
        - House Colour Day
  • Friday 5 July
        - End of Term 2

Term Dates 2024

  • Term 1 - Wednesday 31 January to Friday 12 April

  • Term 2 - Monday 29 April to Friday 5 July

  • Term 3 - Monday 22 July to Friday 27 September

  • Term 4 - Monday 14 October to Friday 13 December

MCS Online Platforms

class dojo
Teachers will send an invite to join your child's class dojo.

Parents, you will get an email or text with a link to accept.
From there, you will create an account or sign in to an existing account to connect.

Please Note:
You will need to use an email address to create an account.

Follow us on Facebook and check out our Website for notices.


MPSSA Manurewa Primary Schools Sports Association

Term 3 Tournaments

  • Monday 5 August - Week 3
    - Year 5/6 Netball

  • Wednesday 14 August - Week 4
    - Year 5/6 Girls' Football

  • Monday 2 September - Week 7
    Year 4/5/6 Cross Country

  • Wednesday 25 September - Week 10
    Year 5/6 Basketball

Students will be asked before the end of the term to sign up if they would like to take part and represent our school at the Manurewa Primary School Sports Association Tournaments.